Thursday, September 30, 2021

Interesting extend Algorthim A*

Circular Obstacle Pathfinding

How to find an end point of an arc given another end point, radius, and arc direction?

Calculate the length of the arc

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Event Declaration

Class containing events:
public class EventContainer : MonoBehaviour
public event Action<string> OnShow;
public event Action<string,float> OnHide;
public event Action<float> OnClose;
void Show()
Debug.Log("Time to fire OnShow event");
if(OnShow != null)
OnShow("This string will be received by listener as arg");
void Hide()
Debug.Log("Time to fire OnHide event");
if(OnHide != null)
OnHide ("This string will be received by listener as arg", Time.time);
void Close()
Debug.Log("Time to fire OnClose event");
if(OnClose!= null)
OnClose(Time.time); // passing float value.
Class which handles events of EventContainer class:
public class Listener : MonoBehaviour
public EventContainer containor; // may assign from inspector
void Awake()
containor.OnShow += Containor_OnShow;
containor.OnHide += Containor_OnHide;
containor.OnClose += Containor_OnClose;
void Containor_OnShow (string obj)
Debug.Log("Args from Show : " + obj);
void Containor_OnHide (string arg1, float arg2)
Debug.Log("Args from Hide : " + arg1);
Debug.Log("Container's Hide called at " + arg2);
void Containor_OnClose (float obj)
Debug.Log("Container Closed called at : " + obj);

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Animation Instancing