Thursday, March 30, 2023

Calculate percent color fill by compute shader Unity

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Monday, March 20, 2023

Google Speech Recognition API in Unity (C#)

ADB logCat

 C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2021.3.6f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\platform-tools

adb connect

adb logcat -s "Unity"

WebRPC implement server Photon

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Fix bug android res obsolete using AAR instead

For anyone blocked, here's a semi automatic way to unblock you.
* Place this script into Assets/Editor folder
* Restart Editor
* Open project
* If you have Assets/Plugins/Android/<res, assets> folder present, you'll see a dialog asking about upgrade
* Basically Unity will move Assets/Plugins/Android/<res, assets> -> Assets/Plugins/Android/<res, assets>-legacy and upon export/build will manually copy Assets/Plugins/Android/<res, assets>-legacy to unityLibrary/src/main/<res, assets> folder (excluding .meta files)

2023-02-27: Upgraded code to also upgrade assets directory, similarly like gagasik code does.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Create AAR by command line

How To Pack Resources Into Single AAR file


If you use Gradle build system to assemble your Unity Android application, you can not simply put the Android resources to Assets/Plugins/res/... You have to put all your resources into a single .aar file and link it to your project.


  1. Create an empty directory and go inside it.
  2. Create file AndroidManifest.xml inside directory with following content:

    <manifest package="im.getsocial.sdk.resources">
  3. Create directory res. Inside it create directory drawable.

  4. Put all the image resources to the res/drawable.
  5. Go back to the directory where AndroidManifest.xml is placed. Example structure of your directory:

    ├─── AndroidManifest.xml
    └─── res
        └─── drawable
            ├─── my_drawable.png
            └─── my_drawable1.png
  6. Run the jar cvf getsocial_resources.aar -C . . inside directory.