1. Why do you want to work here?
2. What's your greatest weakness?
3. What would your last boss say about you?
4. Why should we hire you?
1. The candidate doesn't know whether they want the job yet. They came to the interview to learn more; you invited them to learn more about them. You wouldn't like it if the candidate asked you, "Why do you want to hire me?" so don't ask "Why do you want the job?"
2. It is just an opinion that people have "weaknesses;" it is not a scientific fact. Even if they do have weaknesses, why would it be any of your business what a candidate's weaknesses are? You are not about to share your failings, so don't ask for theirs. Ask what they bring to the job, instead.
3. Some managers are amazing leaders and some are terrible at their jobs. Just because someone is a boss doesn't mean their opinion matters.
4. The candidate isn't going to meet the other candidates for the job. YOU know what you're looking for; they don't.
1. What interested you in the job? (By the way, here's what we liked about your resume.)
2. How do you think your background & talents suit this job?
3. What else would you like to know about the job?
4. How would this job advance your career?
At least 6 peoples in interview. If there is one person see not worth hiring dont hire him.
At least 1 hour
- Smart, and
- Get things done.
- Introduction
- Question about recent project candidate worked on
- Easy Programming Question
- Pointer/Recursion Question
- Are you satisfied?
- Do you have any questions?
I spend about 30 seconds telling the person who I am and how the interview will work.
The introduction phase of the interview is intended to put the candidate at ease. I ask them if they had a nice flight. I spend about 30 seconds telling the person who I am and how the interview will work. I always reassure candidates that we are interested in how they go about solving problems, not the actual answer.
Part two is a question about some recent project that the candidate worked on. For interviewing college kids, ask them about their senior thesis, if they had one, or about a course they took that involved a long project that they really enjoyed. For example, sometimes I will ask, “what class did you take last semester that you liked the most? It doesn’t have to be computer-related.” When interviewing experienced candidates, you can talk about their most recent assignment from their previous job.
Again, ask open-ended questions and sit back and listen, with only the occasional “tell me more about that” if they seem to stall.
One: Look for passion.
Two: Good candidates are careful to explain things well, at whatever level. I have rejected candidates because when they talked about their previous project, they couldn’t explain it in terms that a normal person could understand.
Three: If the project was a team project, look for signs that they took a leadership role. A candidate might say, “We were working on X, but the boss said Y and the client said Z.” I’ll ask, “So what did you do?” A good answer to this might be “I got together with the other members of the team and wrote a proposal…” A bad answer might be, “Well, there was nothing I could do. It was an impossible situation.” Remember, Smart and Gets Things Done. The only way you’re going to be able to tell if somebody Gets Things Done is to see if historically they have tended to get things done in the past.
Even though the format of the interview is, superficially, just a candidate writing some code on the whiteboard, my real goal here is to have a conversation about it. “Why did you do it that way?” “What are the performance characteristics of your algorithm?” “What did you forget?” “Where’s your bug?”
Lam sao de tra loi cau hoi ve luong ma nguoi duoc hoi van co the uoc luong duoc muc luong cua ban du ban k de cap den 1 con so cu the.
Lam sao tim duoc duong di den 1 cho ma ban k biet nhu dam cuoi ma k can xem ban do doc duong, khong hoi tham nguoi di duong, va ban fai dam bao di 1 minh.
your recent assignment
1. Code có nhiều chỗ rối rắm, singleton everywhere, bạn cần viết feature liên Quan tới những phần code đó. Bạn làm như thế nào để code mình chạy ổn, ít bug.
2. có apply rule nào để làm cho code clean không?
3. Gia su toilet cong ty co 6 Phong, 3 Phong cho name, 3 Phong cho nu, trong toilet co giay ve sinh. Cau hoi, moi ngay can bao nhieu cuon giay ve sinh cho 6 Phong nay, ma k du k thieu.
1. Code có nhiều chỗ rối rắm, singleton everywhere, bạn cần viết feature liên Quan tới những phần code đó. Bạn làm như thế nào để code mình chạy ổn, ít bug.
2. có apply rule nào để làm cho code clean không?
3. Gia su toilet cong ty co 6 Phong, 3 Phong cho name, 3 Phong cho nu, trong toilet co giay ve sinh. Cau hoi, moi ngay can bao nhieu cuon giay ve sinh cho 6 Phong nay, ma k du k thieu.
1. Awake Start.
2. Dynamic batching / static batching.
3. Sibling canvas / subcanvas.
4. 2D rect mask for scroll view.
5. Particle culling
5. camera mode: screen overlay, camera overlay, world space.
6. how to change relative positon of rect transform from its anchor in runtime.
5. pool object.
7. Drawcall.
8. Batching
9. texture vs sprite.
11. power of 2 and non-power of 2.
12. rendering pipeline.
13. quarternion vs euler angle.
14. find direction of 2 vector.
15. same polygon/ different texture which is worse performance.
16. coordinate of origin texture in shader
17. precision var in shader performance?
18. marshaling?
19. il2cpp
20. moi quan he cua transform.position va screen pixel
21. Instantiate with parent and withoutparent khac nhau nhu the nao?
22. Memory trong Unity gom may phan, gom nhung phan nao?
23. LOD and Mipmap.
24. Atlasing
25. a situation to profile bottleneck and GPU-frontend or GPU backend
26. Linear algebra.
27. Why float4 use for vertexposition not float3
1. extension method.
2. AOT vs JIT.
3. getter and setter.
4. Garbage collector.
5. anonymous method/closure.
6. leak memory.
7. speed array vs list.
8. interface vs abstract class.
9. struct vs class.
10. boxing and unboxing.
11. compare 2 objects how it knows if they are equal together.
12. event subscribe and unsubscribe.
13. LinQ : Advantages and disadvantages.
14. virtual function vs abstract function.
15. reference type vs value type, pass by reference , pass by value
16. SOLID principles
2. Strategy
3. command
4. Spatial partition
5. anti-pattern
Explain some concept by normal language.
Vi du chua de hieu lam.
2. Dynamic batching / static batching.
3. Sibling canvas / subcanvas.
4. 2D rect mask for scroll view.
5. Particle culling
5. camera mode: screen overlay, camera overlay, world space.
6. how to change relative positon of rect transform from its anchor in runtime.
5. pool object.
7. Drawcall.
8. Batching
9. texture vs sprite.
11. power of 2 and non-power of 2.
12. rendering pipeline.
13. quarternion vs euler angle.
14. find direction of 2 vector.
15. same polygon/ different texture which is worse performance.
16. coordinate of origin texture in shader
17. precision var in shader performance?
18. marshaling?
19. il2cpp
20. moi quan he cua transform.position va screen pixel
21. Instantiate with parent and withoutparent khac nhau nhu the nao?
22. Memory trong Unity gom may phan, gom nhung phan nao?
23. LOD and Mipmap.
24. Atlasing
25. a situation to profile bottleneck and GPU-frontend or GPU backend
26. Linear algebra.
27. Why float4 use for vertexposition not float3
1. extension method.
2. AOT vs JIT.
3. getter and setter.
4. Garbage collector.
5. anonymous method/closure.
6. leak memory.
7. speed array vs list.
8. interface vs abstract class.
9. struct vs class.
10. boxing and unboxing.
11. compare 2 objects how it knows if they are equal together.
12. event subscribe and unsubscribe.
13. LinQ : Advantages and disadvantages.
14. virtual function vs abstract function.
15. reference type vs value type, pass by reference , pass by value
16. SOLID principles
2. Strategy
3. command
4. Spatial partition
5. anti-pattern
Explain some concept by normal language.
Vi du chua de hieu lam.
Nguyen Hoang Phuc
given a string str = "hddskjdh273729)+_CO". write a function to return a sum of all number in this string.
ask about pointer about the string . How string compare
given a string str = "hddskjdh273729)+_CO". write a function to return a sum of all number in this string.
ask about pointer about the string . How string compare
Bai tap nho phong van
- Hãy viết 1 hàm convert 12h format to 24h format
Hh:mm:ssAM or hh:mm:ssPM
Vi du:
Input string
Output string
string timeConversion(string s)
- Cho input string str = “te8st$IY#$3&#&^$^est7testあい4うえお8かき6くけこ”.
Hãy thiết kế 1 class có thể tính độ dài của chuỗi string. Sau đó, minh hoạ cách sử dụng của class này.
Giả sử:
ký tự ABC = 10 pixels
ký tự đặc biệt = 8 pixels
ký tự số = 6 pixels
ký tự tiếng Nhật = 13 pixels
- Giả sử game có FPS = 60. Cho 1 object Cube có world position (0,0,0).
Hãy thiết kế 1 class để implement chức năng di chuyển Cube mỗi lần press Spacebar
Yêu cầu:
Di chuyển theo hình vòng cung như hình bên dưới.
Mỗi frame hãy in ra vị trí của Cube bằng Debug.Log()
| ||||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
List<Action> actionList = new List<Action>();
for (int counter = 0; counter < 5; counter++)
actionList.Add(() =>
foreach (var action in actionList)
- Cho 1 mảng kiểu
- DateTime
DateTime _timePast60 = pawrConnector.ParsePAWRTime(this._sliderDateTimes[0]);
DateTime timeForecast30 = _timePast60.AddMinutes(90);
WeatherSlider.maxValue = 90 * 3;
for (int i = 0; i < this._sliderDateTimes.Length; i++)
DateTime entryDT = pawrConnector.ParsePAWRTime(this._sliderDateTimes[i]);
Func<DateTime, DateTime, DateTime, float> calculatePerSegmentSliderValue = (timeToCalculate, minSegmentTime, maxSegmentTime) =>
TimeSpan segmentTimeSpan = maxSegmentTime - minSegmentTime;
TimeSpan timeToCalculateSpan = timeToCalculate - minSegmentTime;
float segmentFraction = ((float)timeToCalculateSpan.Ticks / (float)segmentTimeSpan.Ticks);
return segmentFraction * WeatherSlider.maxValue;
this._valueOnSlider[i] = calculatePerSegmentSliderValue(entryDT, _timePast60, timeForecast30);
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