Unity CPU Performance Checklist
Rendering: Use a single camera, especially in mobile
Rendering: Try lighter APIs such as Vulkan or Metal
Rendering: Are you using occlusion culling for interiors?
Rendering: Pre-bake 24/7: lighting, shadows, reflection probes*
Rendering: Create atlases to reduce Unity SetPasses and Draw Calls below 100 on mobile. No multi-material assets (evil asset store)
Rendering: Leave all static and dynamic batching on*
Rendering: Keep particle systems small in world space — i.e. small bounding boxes
Rendering: Are all your particle systems procedural?
UI: Use color property instead of in-sprite color variations and use the new SpriteAtlas tool
UI: Watch "Unite '17 Seoul - Tips and Tricks for Optimising Unity UI"
UI: Avoid per-frame changes in UI components (UI properties or RectTransforms)
UI: Don't use auto-layouting components on dynamic UI
PlayerSettings: Keep only the target architecture you're really building for
PlayerSettings: Use il2cpp in master mode, disable script debugging
PlayerSettings: Use GPU skinning*
GraphicsSettings: Enable only necessary built-in shader settings
Animation: Enable Optimize Game Objects on rigging import settings
Animation: Use animators exclusively in characters. For the rest: custom scripts or tweens.
Animation: Reduce blend tree complexity in animations
Animation: Reduce bone and vertex count for skinning. Aim for max 2 bones on mobile
VR: Use single-pass stereo
OculusVR: Set CPU level to 4*
Unity Scene Hierarchy: Don't forget scene hierarchy static flags on static game objects
Unity Scene Hierarchy: dynamic root objects are less than 3 levels deep and have less than 50 total children
AudioClip (longer ones): Decompress on load and load in background*
Multithreading: Use Burst and tweak the job system job count parameter if needed
Scripting: Coroutines are not endless and use small local variables
Scripting: Use interlaced logic execution whenever possible
Scripting: use CullingGroups to pause out-of-screen subsystems
Scripting (10+ entities): Use your own UpdateManager + ManualUpdates instead of relying on Update. Also, try DOTS.
Physics: Disable autosync transforms end enable reuse collision callbacks
Physics: Avoid mesh colliders; if needed, enable read/write on its mesh importer
Unity GPU Performance Checklist
General: No post-processing nor real-time shadows on mobile
General: Use 4x MSAA on (most) mobile platforms
General: Set optimal compression mode for textures, meshes, etc..
General: Use forward rendering and disable HDR on mobile
General: Avoid baked reflection on mobile; RT are forbidden
General: Use 0 (or max. 1) real-time pixel lights on mobile
General: Disable soft particles on mobile
Overdraw: Avoid transparent regions in your sprites. Cut them
Overdraw: Avoid stacking more than 2 UI layers on top of each other
Overdraw: Consider opaque UI with alpha to coverage to reduce overdraw (advanced)
Overdraw: check opaque geometry is rendered front-to-back with frame debugger; this often breaks with batching
Geometry: Use LODs for high-poly models and consider impostor rendering to get < 300k vertices/poligons on mobile
VR: Consider reducing render resolution (backup solution)
OculusVR: Set Oculus GPU level to 4*
Shaders: Avoid multi-pass shaders
Shaders: No standard shader, no GrabPass on mobile
Shaders: Use necessary decimal precision only (half vs float) on mobile
Shaders: avoid sampling from reflection probes
Shaders: Avoid conditionals
Color Space: use gamma instead of linear on mobile
Unity Memory Performance Checklist
Capacity: Use indirect references instead of direct references for heavy content
Capacity: Remove direct references to inaccessible content
Capacity: Global GameObjects shouldn't direct-reference heavy content
Capacity: Seldomly used scene GameObjects shouldn't direct-reference heavy content
Capacity: Try texture streaming*
Capacity: Set optimal compression settings for textures, meshes, animations, etc..
Capacity: Disable read/write asset import setting whenever possible
GC: Reduce memory allocations to avoid growing the reserved heap size
AudioClips: enable streaming on long clips*
Performance: Avoid Resources directory
Performance: Preload commonly used shaders to avoid gameplay spikes and strip unused shaders
Performance: Try incremental Garbage Collector to reduce spikes*
Performance: Use indirect-referenced object pools to reduce spikes
GC: Control GC manually for fine control (advanced)
GC: Avoid garbage-generating methods such as FindObjectsOfType
GC: Aim for less than 32 bytes of memory allocations per frame
GC: Avoid C# boxing
BuildSize: Reduce build sizes with CDNs
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